1. 个人简历 n 学习经历 2014/9-2018/6:哈尔滨工业大学,材料学,博士(院士团队) 2012/9-2014/7:哈尔滨工业大学,材料学,硕士(院士团队) 2008/9-2012/7:陕西科技大学,高分子材料与工程,本科 n 工作经历 2018/8-2022/4:中国航天科工集团第六研究院210所,高级工程师 2022/5-2023/12:best365网页版登录,讲师 2024/1-至今:best365网页版登录,高级工程师,讲师 n 博士后经历 2023/7-至今:中国电子科技集团第五十四研究所博士后工作站,best365网页版登录博士后流动站 n 研究方向 结构/功能一体化树脂基复合材料的设计、成型加工、性能调控;防弹复合材料、电磁复合材料、纳米复合材料。 2. 主要研究成果: n 科研项目 主持山西省基础研究计划、中国航天科工集团众创空间种子项目、中国航天科工集团第六研究院科技委创新课题等多项,作为主要成员参研国防基础科研项目、国防973项目等数项。 n 发表论文 (1) Jiao Weiwei, Zheng Tianlu, Liu Wenbo*, Jiao Weicheng, Wang Rongguo. Molecular dynamics simulations of the effect of sizing agent on the interface property in carbon fiber reinforced vinyl ester resin composite. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 479: 1192-1199. (一区) (2) Jiao Weiwei, Cai Yemeng, Liu Wenbo*, Yang Fan, Jiang Long, Jiao Weicheng, Wang Rongguo. Preparation of carbon fiber unsaturated sizing agent for enhancing interfacial strength of carbon fiber/vinyl ester resin composite, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 439: 88-95. (一区) (3) Jiao Weiwei, Liu Wenbo*, Yang Fan, Jiang Long, Jiao Weicheng, Wang Rongguo. Improving the interfacial strength of carbon fiber/vinyl ester resin composite by self-migration of acrylamide: a molecular dynamics simulation, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 454: 74-81. (一区) (4) Jiao Weiwei*, Hou Chunli, Zhang Xinhang, Liu Wenbo. Molecular dynamics simulation of the influence of sizing agent on the interfacial properties of sized carbon fiber/vinyl ester resincomposite modified by self-migration method, Composite Interfaces, 2021, 28(5): 445-459. (三区) (5) Jiao Weiwei, Liu Wenbo*,Yang Fan, Jiang Long, Jiao Weicheng, Wang Rongguo*. Improving the interfacial property of carbon fiber/vinyl ester resin composite by grafting modification of sizing agent on carbon fiber surface, Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(24): 13812-13828. (三区)