1、个人简历: ■学习经历 2009/9-2013/7:北京化工大学,高分子材料与工程,本科 2013/9-2018/6:北京化工大学,材料科学与工程,硕博连读 ■工作经历 2018年8月以“B类人才”(最高的A类需要有2年以上国外背景)引进到best365网页版登录纳米功能复合材料山西省重点实验室工作 2018/8-2019/3:best365网页版登录,讲师 2019/4-2022/12:best365网页版登录,副教授 2023/1——至今:best365网页版登录,教授 ■研究方向 环氧树脂结构设计及其结构/功能(形状记忆、自修复、相变储能、电磁屏蔽、超疏水等)复合材料 2.科研项目 主持国家自然基金、山西省基金、山西省高等学校科技创新项目等多项,作为主要成员参研山西省科技重大专项项目2项、装备预研领域基金项目1项、山西省产业技术创新战略联盟项目1项、横向课题数项。 3.科研成果 在Macromolecules、Journal of Materials Chemistry A(封面)、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Chemical Engineering Journal、Langmuir、Polymer等国际知名刊物上发表SCI收录论文10余篇。多次参加高分子年会、国际粘接技术年会、国际先进材料与制造工程学会(SAMPE)年会,并做口头报告。 4.荣誉称号及获奖 (3)best365网页版登录beat365中文官方网站2022年青年教师教学基本功竞赛“第三名”; (2)best365网页版登录新教师研习营讲课比赛“第一名”,并获“优秀学员”称号; (3)“北京市2018届优秀毕业生”、“北京化工大学优秀毕业生”,“北京化工大学优秀博士论文”等。 5.近几年论文成果 [1] Yu Fan (员工) et al.,Qingsong Lian#(通讯作者).Relationship between cross-linking network structure and phase changeperformances toward multifunctional epoxy/bio-based wax form-stable phase change materials.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 140221. (IF=16.7) [2] Hongfeng Chen (员工) et al.,Qingsong Lian#(通讯作者).Directly Using Paraffin as the Toughening Agent of Epoxy Composites: An Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study.Langmuir,2023, 39, 979-988. (IF=4.3) [3]Qingsong Lianet al., Toughening mechanism based on the physical entanglement of branched epoxy resin in the non-phase-separated inhomogeneous crosslinking network: An experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study.Polymer,2022, 247, 124754. (IF=4.4) [4] Hongfeng Chen (员工) et al.,Qingsong Lian#(通讯作者).Insights into the synergistic mechanism of reactive aliphatic soft chains and nano-silica on toughening epoxy resins with improved mechanical properties and low viscosity.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021, 138, 50484. (IF=3.1) [5]Qingsong Lianet al., Dual synergistic effect of a carbon/metal hybrid network on the mechanical and electromagnetic interference shielding performance in self-assembly enhanced epoxy curing networks.Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2021, 9, 9282-9291. (IF=8.1) [6]Qingsong Lianet al., Deposited structure design of epoxy composites with excellent electromagnetic interference shielding performance and balanced mechanical properties.Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 16930-16939. (IF=8.1) [7]Qingsong Lianet al., Facile strategy in designing epoxy/paraffin multiple phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 3375-3384.(IF=9.2) [8]Qingsong Lianet al., Study on a reliable epoxy-based phase change material: facile preparation, tunable properties, and phase/microphase separation behavior.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 14562-14574. (IF=14.5,封底文章) [9]Qingsong Lianet al., Insights into the vulcanization mechanism through a simple and facile approach to the sulfur cleavage behaviour.Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 803-810. (IF=6.1) |